April 2024, BaaSid Business Report

2 min readApr 11, 2024


April 2024, BaaSid Business Report


1. Achievement of roadmap in the first quarter of 2024
- Web RGS (A.I-based data analysis web report system) 1st quarter roadmap achieved
- Agenda Book Web RGS expected commercialization date: April 30 (scheduled date may change)
- Development of the Agendabook App ranking system completed (scheduled update date: April 30, the schedule may change depending on the time of approval on the Play Store and App Store)
- Launch of paid research service
- Corporate sales proposal in progress

2. Japan NTT DATA (https://www.nttdata.com/jp/ja)
- Blockchain service and NFT advisor orders completed

3. Japan Saios Co., Ltd. (https://www.sios.com)
- Idol group voting NFT PoC completed
- System development discussions in progress

4. Hsinchu Science Park, Taiwan (https://www.sipa.gov.tw)
- Blockchain-based manager security development in progress
- Business security check
- Development of a sales kit for cooperation in selling blockchain products

5. Taiwan JOIN IT (https://joinit.tw)
- Membership card login system development in progress

6. Taiwan BIO BANK Society (https://biobanksociety.tw)
- Check list of system implementation requirements with Taoyuan City Health Department, Taiwan
- System specifications checked

7. Taiwan Inciting develops music intellectual property management platform
- Completed the first development of a blockchain-based intellectual property management platform (Buzzhood)
- Consultation on secondary development

8. Development and update of carbon emissions certificate
- Carbon emissions credit-based certificate update
- BaaSid Main net-based, blockchain certificate issuance and authentication system
- Open system through Explorer

1. BaaSid 2024 1Q roadmap progress status
- Development and achievement of [Web RGS: A.I-based web report generator system] in 1Q 2024
- Web RGS UI UX modification and preparation for commercialization
- 2nd quarter [Virtual Research] System prototype development

2. BAAS token lockup extension completed
- 1-year lockup renewal of 26% of BAAS tokens locked until May 31, 2024 completed
- The lockup of 26% of existing locked BAAS tokens (10% for founders, 10% for team & advisors, 6% for investors) has been extended until May 31, 2025.
- Locked BAAS token address
Founder 10% Address: 0xA411098898910577A956a87704FD7D14D2C742ac
Team & Advisor 10% Address: 0x16D1E89D4dbe0F9Ec652cefb66e3Ea02B7573Aa9
Investor 6% Address: 0xbBbf27e990f0F6A49cDC8AF0bFBC3487fdb93567

3. Agendabook Japan Investment Consultation (https://www.axell.co.jp)
- Investment consultation with Japan’s AXELL
- Localization in progress for Japanese Agendabook service

4. Planned to participate in Taiwan Cybersecurity Conference (CyberSec 2024)
Participation Schedule: 5/14~5/16
Venue: Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center, Hall 2

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