* Development/Partnership*
1. Agenda Book [AgendaBook] service advancement completed
- 2024 3Q [Agenda Bank Cloud Enhancement] roadmap completed
- Report automation system update
- Development of user-specific theme analysis algorithm completed
- Updated correlation analysis prompt
- Agendabank.com opened (research cloud platform)
- [Fact AI] Analysis cost differential application system
2. 2024 4Q Roadmap [My Data-based Banner Advertising System] Design and Prototype
- AD Center prototype opening and testing service (www.agendabook.kr)
- Application and testing of target banner advertising algorithm
- Target banner advertisement report chart and analysis service
- Campaign point development and payment
3. BaaSid Main-net system maintenance and regular inspection
- Main-net system stabilization work
- System maintenance and regular inspection completed
4. Development of digital carbon reduction certificate through BaaSid blockchain API linkage
- Planning and design of API linkage for blockchain linkage
- Design and planning of certificate issuance service through carbon reduction data linkage
5. Agendabook research progress and completion
- Research supply contracts completed with two Korean PR agencies
- Conduct research sales to large corporations through public relations agencies and advertising agencies
- Rocket battery research completed
- KB Kookmin Bank consultation progress completed
6. AI Forum Gwangju event research completed
- Host: Gwasil-yeon AI Future Forum, Gwangju Metropolitan City
- Hosted by: Ministry of Science and ICT, NIPA National IT Industry Promotion Agency, AICA Artificial Intelligence Industry Convergence Project Group
- Sponsorship: Agendabook
7. MS(Microsoft) Launcher Program Step 2 Token Acquisition
- Acquire tokens for the 2nd stage of the MS Launcher program conducted by MS (25,000 USD)
- Data deep learning using MS Azure and GPU cloud
*Other details*
1. 2024 4Q roadmap progress
- Development of target banner advertising system using Agendabook’s [My data]
- Prototype development completed and testing service underway
2. Agendabook Taiwan business preparation
- Strategic additional investment review with ADATA in progress
- Agendabook Taiwan establishment and service preparation
- AgendaBank introduction material and manual work completed
3. Agendabook Japan business preparation
- Negotiated change to BAAS Holdings Japan’s Agendabook Japan
- Agendabook focuses on business in Japan and prepares for personnel and organizational reorganization in Japan
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