1. Release Period
2. Total amount of Token Release
200,000,000 (4.00 % of current circulating supply)
3. Token Supply
Projected Total Supply: 10,000,000,000
Circulating Supply (Before Token Release): 5,000,000,000
Token Supply (After Token Release): 5,200,000,000
4. Purpose of Token Release
For BAAS’s global liquidity supply and marketing, some quantities are released as follows:
Lock-up release target: 2% of marketing allocated
Lock-up release date: December 16, 2021
Subsequent Circulating Supply: 52%
5. Token Release Details
Token Symbol: BAAS
Contract Address: 0x5d929AA919E489505CcAAd8A199619c6DCA0c2de
To BAAS’ global liquidity supply and marketing to our new services on December 16, 2021, the lock-up of 200,000,000 BAAS in marketing volume will be released, and the rest of the volume will remain locked up until May 2022.
Subsequently, the Circulating Supply will increase from 50% to 52%, and a total of 5.2 billion BAAS will be circulated.